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To What Extent Do Female Athletes Impact Reforms for Gender Equality Within Sports in the 21st Century?


            Sports are activities that are played across the world. Most people when thinking about sports tend to think of male athletes. However, women athletes play almost all the same sports and should be thought of just as much. Male athletes are treated way better than the female athletes. Most of the inequalities and stereotypes start when the athletes are kids. Most young boys are encouraged to join sports team at a very young age, but young girls aren’t. In an article by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, she talks about these inequalities. She says, “when the pressure to conform to traditionally “feminine” stereotypes leads many girls to abandon sport entirely.” Having girls play the sports the same way the boys do should be a priority. There are many more inequalities between women and male athletes then just when the athletes start playing. Some inequalities include “unequal pay, gender-based violence, a lack of targeted investment and negative stereotypes and social norms.” (Mlambo-Ngcuka) These inequalities are more common than one might think. For example, one of the most well-known tennis players, Serena Williams, faces inequalities too. In an article by Claudia Rankine, Jamaican-born American poet, playwright, educator, and multimedia artist, she says that on list for the most marketable sports stars that only two women were in the top 20. Serena Williams has 21 majors and 247 weeks at number 1 however, she still less marketable. (Rankine) In the article, the ranking is said to have to do with the color of her skin and the fact that she is a woman. Both these authors are writing in theory about different topics, but they have strong connection. As well as this, these authors exposed inequalities both male and female athletes face. One aspect they both state is the idea that women athletes need to use their voices and speak out. Serena Williams is an athlete that is known for using her voice and fighting for her beliefs. Looking at all the evidence, having more vocal and visible female athletes will impact reforms for gender equality within sports. Think how many male sports games are on every day. If women athletes were shown just as much as the male athletes, women could be treated the same.

            Female athletes face inequalities all through their career. One major inequality between male and female athletes is the media coverage. If a person was to turn on the sports channels most of them will be showing the men’s games. However, there are some female games shown on TV, but most are on at the same time as the men’s games. According to Alina Bernstein, senior lecturer at the School of Media Studies, some countries women sports is no more than 5% of the total sports air-time (Bernstein). Women sports can’t be taken seriously if people don’t watch them. But the media also plays a bigger part in the stereotypes created for female athletes. Many media outlets when covering the female games deny the athletes the same treatment, they give the male athletes. Alina Bernstein also says in her article, “the media have been the target of much feminist criticism for their role in legitimizing” (Bernstein). Numerous media outlets use the sporting events to comment on the way the athletes look. In a study conducted by Elizabeth A. Daniels, associate Professor at University of Colorado in Developmental Psychology, she tests young boys’ depiction of two different pictures of female athletes. As predicted, she found that in the performance picture of the athlete the young boys focused on her athleticism. However, in another photo that the media usually posts, they found that the boys focused more on the athlete’s appearance (Daniels). Now knowing that even young boys are more focused on the way the athlete looks it makes sense why there are so many inequalities in women’s sports. The media promotes photos of female athletes that don’t show their hard work but, there are hundreds of male basketball players going for a dunk. Media plays an important part in the future for women’s sports.

            There are many more inequalities in women’s sports. As previously mentioned, gender-based violence is one of them. Many people tend to neglect this issue out of fear or anger. Gender-based violence isn’t doesn’t only occur just small areas, it can happen anywhere. This gender-based violence occurred at the Olympics to the USA gymnastics team. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka wrote that “as was the case with USA Gymnastics, where young female athletes were sexually assaulted by gym owners, coaches and staff working for gymnastics programmes.” (Mlambo-Ngcuka) This something she said is the “boys will be boys” culture, this is an issue that occurs daily. Some people might say that the same could happen to the male athletes, but it impacts female athletes a lot more. Sandra Kirby, a professor of sociology at the University of Winnipeg and a past Olympic athlete, says “sexual harassment and abuse affects significantly more female athletes than male athletes and that for male athletes, there is even more of a problem of under reporting than for the female athletes.” (Kirby) This is a common occurrence between female athletes that have experience gender-based violence, the athletes don’t report the issue. Without the female athletes speaking out about this issue, people cannot fix it.

            As previously mentioned, media plays an important part in women’s sports. An additional inequality in women sports is the ability to be involved other aspects of being an athlete, this being brand deals or certain leadership positions. Female athletes have a much harder time getting brand deals then the male athletes. In an article by Jami Lobpries, Assistant Professor of Sport management at the University of Tampa, Executive Director at the Alliance Fastpitch, she wrote, “exploring personal brand identity management suggests women face gender-based limitations in regards to brand building” (Lobpries). She also writes that women don’t get brand deals due to society’s expectations. Female athletes must deal with many barriers getting brand deals that the male athletes don’t. Female athletes have barriers they have to overcome to gain more involvement in other aspects as well. In an article by Emily A. Roper, Professor and Department Chair in Kinesiology at Sam Houston State University, she states in a highlight reel from one Olympic game there were 34 athletes that appeared in the video. However very few were women, neglecting the actual number of women involved in the games (Roper). Again, Phumzile writes that male and female athletes are treated very differently with the leadership roles they receive. She includes that it might be beneficial if female athletes had these roles, they might cause change to the sports community. All these aspects are inequalities directly between male and female players. The sports being played aren’t that from each other yet there is a dramatic inequality between the athletes.

            Most people when thinking of leaders in the sports community their minds usually go to a male athlete, but women athletes deserve to be leaders too. A person might say that females can be leaders they just choose not to be but, that is not always the case. According to Glenna G. Bower, Professor of Kinesiology and Sport Kinesiology and Sport Department, “A primary reason for limited opportunities is the shortage of female in leadership positions within sport organizations creating a dearth of potential female mentors” (Bower). Female athletes want to do more in the sports community but are not given the chance. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka agrees with Glenna G. Bower by saying, “We need visible role models of female athletes excelling on the field of play reaching the Olympic podium, so girls see, and believe in their own capabilities.” The inequalities mentioned previously in this paper will not be fixed if they aren’t exposed. Female athletes deserved to be heard and looked at the same way as male athletes.

            Some female athletes have spoken out about these inequalities and actions have started to fix them. Many athletic organizations want female athletes to speak[A1]  out about their experiences. According to Vikki Krane, Professor of Sport Psychology at Bowling Green State University, “As these feminine athletes gain acclaim, they become spokespeople for their sport. They also garner respect for their ability to be successful athletes while remaining true to their gender. As these feminine female athletes are highlighted by the media and receive financial and political clout, they reinforce the socially constructed expectations for feminine behavior and appearance of sportswomen” (Krane). Female athletes having more leadership roles in the sports community will also help young female athletes.  Agreeing with this Dr. Erin Reifsteck, assistant professor in the department of Kinesiology at UNCG, writes about many different organizations fighting for female athletes. She also says that there are many events where female athletes can speak the truth and the athletes are recognized for taking these actions (Reifsteck). One of these organizations that highlights female athletes is One Win Leads to Another. According to Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, the organization allows young girls to play sports and learn in a safe area. But the organization also works with the Olympics to expand. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka also writes “We also need more male athletes to step up with us, and model a culture that reflects equality, respect for diversity and non-violence, within and beyond sport.” These inequalities might for female athletes, but it isn’t just their fight. As much as there need for more vocal female athletes, male athletes also must be vocal for equality. Issues like these cannot change overnight, they require time and effort.

            There are actions that need to be taken to insure change for equality. Sporting events should have more rules to insure no gender-based violence and other inequalities. Change will not come from just placing rules, for a real change people must see female athletes as equals. According to Shikha Vyas-Doorgapersad, professor in the department of public management and governance at the University of Johannesburg, “there are ways in which sport can help promote broader gender equality objectives. Sport can give women and girls access to public spaces where they can gather, develop new skills together, gain support from others and enjoy freedom of expression and movement. It can promote education, communication, negotiation skills and leadership, all of which are essential for women’s empowerment” (Vyas-Doorgapersad). Another way to ensure change is to change the media’s perception of female athletes. Many of the inequalities begin with the media so requiring the media to change the way they depict the athletes might lead to more equality. When changing anything there are always limitations. One major limitation is the media’s air time, sports are only allowed on the air for so much time. changing the amount of air time for female games is harder than just adding a tv channel. Simone French, a professor at the University of Minnesota, agrees as she writes about the large amount of money spent on tv broadcasted games. She also says that after conducting a survey, men are considered to be more significant the females in sports. In a study conducted by Yair Galily, a behavioral scientist and the head of the sport, media, and society of research lab at the Sammy Ofer School of Communications, he found similar results. He found that even after years of trying to create more equality, the idea has been unsuccessful. He says that the media still depicts female athletes in their own, sexist way, instead of promoting them. (Galily) Inequality in sports is a major issue that has many limitations but, if more and more actions are taken every day there may be a change.

            As demonstrated, female athletes experience a number of hurdles to be recognized the same as their male counterparts.  Some of these hurdles include pay, sponsorship, gender-based violence and media stereotyping.  The biggest challenge faced by women is how to change the perception so that these issues begin to go away.  The end goal is equality for women athletes and for all girls to be inspired to succeed.

Word Count: 2001



Works Cited

Bernstein, Alina, and Yair Galily. "Games and sets: women, media and sport in Israel." Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies and Gender Issues, no. 15, 2008, p. 175+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 5 Apr. 2021.

Bower, Glenna G. "Group mentoring as an alternative model for women: the moving towards justice series a project of NAGWS' inclusion & social justice committee." Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal, vol. 18, no. 2, Fall 2009, p. 80+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 5 Apr. 2021.

Daniels, E. A., & Wartena, H. (2011). Athlete or sex symbol: What boys think of media representations of female athletes. Sex Roles, 65(7-8), 566-579. doi:

French, Simone. "Still not there: the continued invisibility of female athletes and sports in the New Zealand print media." Media International Australia incorporating Culture and Policy, no. 148, Aug. 2013, p. 39+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 5 Apr. 2021.


Galily, Yair, et al. "(Not) higher, stronger or swifter: representation of female Olympic athletes in the Israeli press." Journal of International Women's Studies, vol. 12, no. 4, 2011, p. 57+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 5 Apr. 2021.

Kirby, Sandra L., Lorraine Greaves, and Olena Hankivsky. "Women Under the Dome of Silence: Sexual Harassment and Abuse of Female Athletes." Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 21, no. 3, 2002, pp. 132-138. ProQuest,

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Lobpries, Jami, et al. "How I Perform is Not Enough: Exploring Branding Barriers Faced by Elite Female Athletes." Sport Marketing Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 1, 2018, p. 5+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 5 Apr. 2021.

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Reifsteck, Erin J., et al. "Introduction to the National Conference on girls and women in sport and physical activity: Discovering Strengths of Body and Mind." Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal, vol. 20, no. 2, Fall 2011, p. 86+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 5 Apr. 2021.

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Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha. "GENDER EQUALITY IN THE SPORT SECTOR: THE CASE OF SELECTED SOUTHERN AFRICAN COUNTRIES." The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, vol. 12, no. 1, 2020, pp. 175-191. ProQuest,









kinda similar to the first sentence [A1]

My gold award is about giving young girls the same athletic opportunities as young boys do. So many girls are often geared towards "Girl Activities" like dance and gymnastics instead of sports like basketball and lacrosse. I have done a lot of research and there is a significant difference between the athletic opportunities for boys compared to girls. It is important that girls are given the same opportunities as boys so they can succeed.  Colleges offer a lot of scholarships for sports and often that is the only way a child can attend school given financial hardships.   So to give girls the same opportunity to try sports - I am dedicating this website to showing them how to learn to play basketball as well as give in-person basketball lessons as well as reminding them that the only thing stopping them from succeeding is themselves.  Gender should not play a role in why they can't do/try something that they want.  Listen below is a research paper I wrote on the inequalities in sports. 

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